Friday 25 July 2014

Why does it seem so difficult to get the basics right?

This post was triggered by a recent stay in a London hotel and those of you who know me are fully aware that staying in hotels isn't a particularly unusual thing for me but in this case, finding a hotel which addressed my basic needs so well is definitely unusual.

You might be asking yourself why my basic needs are so unrealistic as to be rare to find in a hotel so let's look at that.

In my case one of the most important elements for a hotel room is temperature. Personally I like my hotel rooms on the cold side - if it's too warm in the room then I will have a terrible night's sleep which is no fun but far too often what the hotel terms as "air-conditioning" and what I understand by that are totally different. This hotel's air-con was excellent - so much so that I had to turn it up from the coldest setting which is unheard of for me!

Next on my list is a comfy bed but again, what I consider "comfy" and what someone else does could be quite different things. This bed was very comfy with a nice duvet and lovely feather pillows - I was a happy boy.

Finally on my list of basic requirements is peace and quiet. I am quite a light sleeper and a room too near a lift or a noisy area will disturb my sleep badly.

Given that my list of basic needs turns out to be three items (cool enough, comfy bed and quiet enough) I find it a bit shocking that it's so rare that I find a hotel that adequately meets these needs.

That leads me on to ask - how many other businesses are getting the basics wrong? It's very easy these days to be distracted by the latest technology or focussing on winning new business or any number of other things. I think it's worth remembering that regardless of what you business you are in, you should try and get right back to basics sometimes and making sure you're doing those things as well as you can.