Monday 29 June 2015

Simon on: Indoor GPS

Indoor GPS seems to be a topic that keeps cropping up in the industry but personally, I can’t see what benefits it could bring.

I’ve been to a lot of events but I don’t recall thinking that the floorplan was too complicated to navigate. Most exhibitions are laid out on a grid which makes it relatively easy to find your way around.

I honestly wouldn’t bother using an event app’s version of sat-nav to get me from one stand to another – even if it knew where I was supposed to be next because of an appointment schedule.

Should an organiser really be encouraging visitors to their event to stare mindlessly at their devices rather than wandering around, seeing other exhibitors and potentially networking? There are already enough distractions on mobile devices anyway.

To me it feels just like TV manufacturers attitudes. Over the past 5-10 years we’ve seen more and more gimmicks that don’t necessarily add anything, but sound good when you’re looking at them in the shop. Then you purchase and when you get home you find that actually you don’t really use any of the new features.

My opinion is that indoor GPS is another pointless feature that will cost a lot to implement and provide no genuine benefits. Maybe someone will prove me wrong one day but I can’t see it yet.

Originally published in Conference News